Kubernetes Ingress Nginx Custom Default Backend

Kubernetes, Azure06/06/2024

Nginx is the most commonly used ingress controller for Kubernetes. If you want to configure your ingress controller to respond with customized html or perhaps even json reponses, keep reading!


In this blog post, I will go over the steps you need to take to configure your Nginx ingress controller to use a default backend with your own responses.


Head over to my GitHub repo for the code and follow the steps in the readme-file.

Default Backend

The term default backend comes is defined by the Nginx developers:

The default backend is a service which handles all URL paths and hosts the nginx controller doesn't understand (i.e., all the requests that are not mapped with an Ingress).
Basically a default backend exposes two URLs:
/healthz that returns 200 / that returns 404

Source: Nginx Ingres Controller Default Backend.

In a nutshell, the default backend is another webserver that serves content if the ingress controller can not respont properly. In general, its a good idea to use a default backend so you can mask the fact your are using nginx.