Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) and Azure Data Explorer (ADX) clusters are SaaS offerings based on virtual machines. It is probably the oldest way to safe money in the cloud - just turn them off when you do not need them - here are two ways to do this.


I’ve been waiting a long time for this and its finally here - PowerShell Support for Azure Functions v2 is generally available and ready for production! On the 4th of November at Ignite 2019, the general availability has been announced. This alone is a big step for automating tasks in Azure, but there is more, the Product Group also announced the general availability of the Premium Plan for Azure Functions! With this, Azure Function Apps can seamlessly be integrated within your VNet.


PowerShell 7 Overview

in PowerShell by Christoph Burmeister
1.1k words · 7 min to read

On the 5th of April 2019, Steve Lee announced two things, the general availability of PowerShell Core 6.2 and the the next major version, PowerShell 7.
In this post we will keep track of the changes in PowerShell 7 and will provide an overview of the new lifecycle management.


Azure Maintenance Functions - Part 1

in PowerShell by Christoph Burmeister
1.1k words · 6 min to read

In almost every Azure Tenant I use, I have one Azure Function App that helps me to be more productive. Since the first day of the introduction Azure Functions, I used them to
automate different tasks. Over the time, the collection of functions became quite big and I would love to share them with you so you can benefit from them as well 🙂

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