PowerShell Async Logging

in PowerShell by Jan-Henrik Damaschke
1.4k words · 8 min to read

If you are working with PowerShell frequently, you will often run into the question of logging. How do I want to write logs, where to write them and which format should they have. We wont go into these questions here, however, we will take a look at how to implement PowerShell logging in a non-blocking (async) way.


Create Advanced Ping Class in PowerShell

in PowerShell by Jan-Henrik Damaschke
1.9k words · 11 min to read

Recently, I had the problem of monitoring the latency of my internet connection to provide these information to my ISP for troubleshooting. As the standard ping class in .net and Test-NetConnection was too inflexible and had no timestamps, I wanted to create a PowerShell Script to provide these functionality. Classes were something I haven’t used in a while so I chose to create a PowerShell class called AdvancedPing.


Process low level NtSecurityDescriptor

in Security by Jan-Henrik Damaschke
1.9k words · 11 min to read

The SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure stores security related attributes of an object. It determines, who can access the object and which additional permissions are assigned. Because sometimes you are confronted with the “raw” NtSecurityDescriptor e.g. in Active Directory related scenarios, I tried give an overview about all parts of it.


Enable Wake-on-LAN (WOL) with PowerShell

in PowerShell by Jan-Henrik Damaschke
431 words · 2 min to read

With every recent Windows 10 update, and they happen a lot, Windows unfortunately also resets the power settings of the network adapters. Since I like to start both my PC and notebook from a remote location or from within the same network, I wrote a little PowerShell function to enable Wake-on-LAN (WoL) again.


Windows Server Manager lets you export the configured roles and features from the UI dialogue as an xml file. Unfortunately there is no possibility to directly work with this xml file. The following script shows a simple way to parse the xml file. You can then pipe the output to for example to the Install-WindowsFeature cmdlet.

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