Office 365 low hanging security fruits - Mail tagging
This part is focused once again on mail traffic and its attack vectors. Specifically, I wanted to tag all incoming mails in Office 365 Exchange, which are not coming from trusted domains. This is really easy to implement with Exchange Online rules and doesn't even require any kind of powershell knowlegde, so every O365 should have implemented this policy in their environment.
This is a multi part security series for O365 with the following articles:
A lot of cyber-attacks on companies start of with a (spear) phishing mail to the employees, as I have mentioned before. A common technique for this approach is to register a domain which looks very similar to their target domain e.g.
instead of
, as the difference might be hard to spot for the untrained employee. Another option for the attacker is to use a domain with non-Latin alphabets such es Ukrainian, Cyrillic etc. This kind of spoofing can abuse the Unicode system for IDNs to create very real looking domains just with a different meaning, as the Unicode system has more than 136k characters. A very detailed dive-in about this kind of technique can be found here. In summary there are many ways to spoof an email address to fool the phishing victim and I needed a way to flag these kinds of mails to the user, which look like they are from inside the company, but are actually from an external domain.
The way to accomplish this requirement is by automatically tagging mails, which don’t originate from trusted/known domains. Obviously, you don’t want to block them (could lead to an angry CIO storming your office), but rather make the user aware of it. It is actually rather easy to do this with the 0365 Exchange Control Panel (ECP).

Office 365 low hanging security fruits - MFA
In this part of the series I want to talk about the most obvious and meaningful security measure for O365 – Multifactor authentication (MFA). The well-established technology can significantly reduce the attack surface of your organization and is easy to implement for O365 administrators. It should be your first line of defense against phishing and replay attacks in your security environment. In this article I want to talk about the technical/mathematical concept of the standard and show you how to activate the tool and its features in your tenant.
OpenShift on Azure - Custom DNS
If you are using RedHat OpenShift on Azure as your container platform, you are most likely using Azure DNS to resolve names of your cluster nodes – at least when you deployed it using the ARM-Template provided by Microsoft with Azure as the OpenShift cloud provider instead of an “Bare-Metal” installation on Azure VMs without an cloud provider config.