Invoice Upload to ERP with Logic App and Azure Functions

Invoice Upload to ERP with Logic App and Azure Functions

This example is intended to show how quickly and easily workflows such as the automatic upload of invoices to the ERP system (in this case Lexoffice / Lexware Office) can be implemented using Azure Services.
Jacob Meissner
Microsoft Defender XDR - Offboarding / Remove Machines

Microsoft Defender XDR - Offboarding / Remove Machines

In some environments, there are a lot of demands on Defender XDR and the management of machines, including offboarding and removal based on tags or a source domain.
Jacob Meissner
AWS Root Account Management For SSO Using Azure Active Directory Part 3

AWS Root Account Management For SSO Using Azure Active Directory Part 3

Using a central IAM provider is certainly a great thing. While setting SSO up for AWS, the management for the AWS root-users became a issue, because its required for them to have globally unique e-mail address. This might not a problem for small companies, but if you plan several hundred or even thousand of AWS-accounts, this becomes a nightmare real fast. In this post, I will go over one approach on how you can manage all your root-users with M365 offerings and some Azure services, pretty much for free. This is the third and final part of the series, that covers the API and deployment.
Christoph Burmeister
Terraform Ecosystem Pipelines
Azure, IaC

Terraform Ecosystem Pipelines

The Ecosystem surrounding Terraform is growing every day. Some of the tools have become essential and need to be integrated into your CI/CD pipelines. Here are some examples using Azure DevOps.
Christoph Burmeister
AWS Root User Management for SSO using Azure Active Directory - Part 2

AWS Root User Management for SSO using Azure Active Directory - Part 2

Using a central IAM provider is certainly a great thing. While setting SSO up for AWS, the management for the AWS root-users became a issue, because its required for them to have globally unique e-mail address. This might not a problem for small companies, but if you plan several hundred or even thousand of AWS-accounts, this becomes a nightmare real fast. In this post, I will go over one approach on how you can manage all your root-users with M365 offerings and some Azure services, pretty much for free. This is the second part of the series, that covers the Shared Mailbox Setup.
Christoph Burmeister
AWS Root User Management for SSO using Azure Active Directory - Part 1

AWS Root User Management for SSO using Azure Active Directory - Part 1

Using a central IAM provider is certainly a great thing. While setting SSO up for AWS, the management for the AWS root-users became an issue, because its required for them to have globally unique e-mail address. This might not a problem for small companies, but if you plan several hundred or even thousand of AWS-accounts, this becomes a nightmare real fast. In this post, I will go over one approach on how you can manage all your root-users with M365 offerings and some Azure services, pretty much for free.
Christoph Burmeister
Azure AD - List Role Assignments
PowerShell, Microsoft Graph

Azure AD - List Role Assignments

Retrieving a list of all Azure AD role assignments sounds easy enough, right? Well, there are some things to consider, here is waht.
Christoph Burmeister